Welcome to the month of love! February is a great time to bring kids’
attention to their feelings and emotions. We are going to focus on
distinguishing the pleasant feelings and emotions from the unpleasant
ones and to focus on love and the ways in which we can express it.
Therefore, our activities will also be directed to the positive feelings that
children experience or can receive from others, and the form we will
learn to distinguish is heart (hard) and colors – pink and red.
We will be introduced to the five senses that people possess and we will talk about the similarities an differences between them (height, age, color of eyes, hair, etc.) and the type of clothing they wear. We will understand that although we are different, everyone is valuable and special. In mathematics, we will look at the different positions (top, bottom, inside, outside). We will understand from literature that words have great power and, besides being spoken, can be written. In English, we will try to make sentences with ” I love … ”, ” pink and red ”.
Our special day will be on 02/14/20 – Friday, when we all will celebrate ” St. Valentine ”, dressed in pink and red, with hearts filled with love and cheeks glowing with joy, ….. and let us give you one smile as a token of love!
Miss Olya