February – Miss Mimi

At the beginning of this month, in the “little stars” class, we will plan to talk about the five senses and the different types of emotions with an emphasis on love: who loves us, who we love and how we can show love to others. These are just some of the things that will be discussed.

In the second half of February we will study different occupations, what occupations do and how individual specialists can help us. We would like to invite people who work in some of these professions to visit us and tell us a little more about their work. If you are or know a doctor, nurse, policeman, fireman, artist or any professional who would agree to come to the Sunshine House, please give me a call.

In Bulgarian language we will get to know the sounds and signs of d, k, l and in math we will fill in graphs. We will review previous lessons and learn some new ones in English, such as using phrases: ,, I can (can not) …, He can (can not) …., She can (can not) … . ”

The special day will be 14.02.2017 (Tuesday). We would love all children to come dressed in pink or red.

Miss Mimi