February – Miss Olya

We usually think of February as the month to show love but this month we be showing our love for…Dinosaurs!  This is a new theme and all of our younger group love dinosaurs.  Of course, I will show them how much I love them as well.  We will also be learning about the feelings and emotions we have when love something and learn about ways to express our love. 

In English we will make sentences beginning with the phrase, “I love…”.  We will also study the colors pink and red and the shape of the heart.  In Math we will be studying positions such as down and up, in and out.  And in literacy we will be learning that the words we speak can also be written and red.

This month our special day will be on Wednesday, February 20th, and will be dedicated to our favorite dinosaurs.  On this day the children can bring anything they wish that has to do with dinosaurs.  Of course, we don’t want to forget about February 14th and celebrating Valentine’s Day together.  We plan to have lots of fun. 

Miss Olya

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